A towering presence …

Meet Kyle Sallinen, a towering presence on the North Delta Pirates baseball team, standing tall at an impressive 6 feet 7 inches. As a right-handed pitcher and first baseman, Kyle's staggering height and reach give him a commanding presence on the field. Nicknamed "June Kyle" for his past, consistent ability to deliver powerful line drive hits during the heart of the season, Kyle is a senior player whose wealth of experience and skill make him an invaluable asset to the team.

Despite his imposing stature, his teammates find Kyle's demeanor anything but intimidating. With a kind heart and a quick smile, he brings a sense of warmth and fraternity to the field. Often ready with words of encouragement for his teammates, Kyle embodies the spirit of sportsmanship and collaboration. Wearing #2, his physical presence and bright gold locks make him easily recognizable - a treasured figure both on and off the diamond.

In every game, Kyle Sallinen showcases his unwavering dedication to his team through his steady, stable play. Whether he's stretching to secure the odd mis-fired ball at first, delivering clutch hits at the plate, or standing tall on the mound, his presence elevates the North Delta Pirates to new heights.


Smooth and savvy at shortstop …


A steadfast anchor with quiet charm …