Smooth and savvy at shortstop …

Jared Goumans shines as a versatile and exceptional BC Baseball AAA player for the North Delta Pirates. As the team's anchor at shortstop, Jared's skills transcend the conventional boundaries of the position. His hitting prowess is a spectacle to behold, blending precision and power seamlessly. Whether it’s placing the ball with accuracy or launching it into the gaps, Jared's consistency in delivering accurate and powerful hits showcases a rare mastery of the art of hitting. Yet, beyond his remarkable offensive capabilities, what truly defines Jared is his multifaceted talent and his inner passion for the game that reveals itself once he steps onto the field.

A strong, selfless and focussed figure on the team, Jared is a beacon of strength and quiet leadership. With versatility that extends beyond the diamond; Jared is truly a jack of all trades, excelling not just at shortstop but also showcasing prowess in multiple positions in the field as well as on the mound.

Jared's statistics are consistently admirable; a testament to his dedication and unwavering commitment to excellence in every aspect of the game. And, his selflessness and innate leadership qualities make him a player who elevates the performance of those around him.

Jared’s adaptability and consistency in delivering exceptional performances would make him a coveted asset for any team. Beyond his individual brilliance, it’s Jared's influential play, his selflessness, and his ability to excel in multiple facets of the game that make him an outstanding addition to any roster. In Jared Goumans, the North Delta Pirates have not just a stellar player, but a silent leader whose impact goes beyond the box score, leaving an indelible mark on the field and in the hearts of his teammates.


It starts with heart …


A towering presence …