Lessons of perseverance, loyalty and life …

Assistant coach Shaun Jones is a formidable figure on and off the field, known for his burly demeanour and vocal motivation that ignites his players' spirits. With a diverse athletic background that includes a remarkable stint in the (almost pro) Western Hockey League as his team's main backstop, Shaun brings a wealth of experience and passion to the game of baseball. His journey to coaching is as unique as his coaching style, having met some of the most important people in his life through their shared love for slow pitch.

Beyond the surface of Shaun's gravelly exterior lies a compassionate soul and an unwavering loyalty to those close to him. While his first impressions may paint him as a raucous and all-business competitor, those who know him can attest to the warmth of his heart. Echoing his approach to life and coaching, Shaun’s fiery red hair is a symbol of his take-no-prisoners, simmering flair. But beneath it all lies a soft underbelly, a testament to Shaun's genuine care and commitment to always having the backs of his players and teammates.

As a coach, Shaun Jones instills not only athletic prowess but also values of resilience and determination in his team. His ability to blend rigour with unwavering support creates an environment where players can thrive. With Shaun helping to lead the charge, his players become better athletes while also learning the invaluable lessons of perseverance, loyalty and life that extend far beyond the game of baseball.


A beacon of excellence and inspiration …


Anything for the limelight …