Anything for the limelight …

Michael Stoochnoff is the epitome of the "good cop" assistant coach for the North Delta Pirates, bringing a thoughtful and friendly presence to the team's bench. While his affable nature may suggest otherwise, Michael is a stickler for discipline, conditioning, and work ethic, pushing his players to work harder, better, faster, stronger - so much so that one might think he was once a ghost writer of Kanye West's hit "Stronger". A statistician at heart, Michael is probably the member of the North Delta Pirates most looking forward to the potential implementation of mobile technology app GameChanger and the real time analytics and stats it offers teams to get that edge on their opponents.

Beyond his role as a coach, Michael serves as a constant supporter and mentor to the team and its players. With his keen ability to see the big picture, he brings a valuable balance to the coaching staff, ensuring that both individual player development and team success remain at the forefront. While Michael's focus on conditioning and analytics may be rigorous, his genuine care and encouragement for his players make him an invaluable asset to the Pirates, fostering a culture of growth, affinity, and continuous improvement.

As the North Delta Pirates navigate their season, Michael Stoochnoff's contributions both on and off the field are sure to leave a lasting impact. With his blend of light-heartedness, discipline, and strategic insight, he not only elevates the team's performance but also fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where players can thrive.


Lessons of perseverance, loyalty and life …


Poise and presence of mind …